Properties for the GuEmailIdentity construct domainName: The domain name to use for this identity The domain name must be one of GuEmailIdentity.validDomains

interface GuEmailIdentityProps {
    app: string;
    configurationSet?: IConfigurationSet;
    dkimIdentity?: DkimIdentity;
    dkimSigning?: boolean;
    domainName: string;
    feedbackForwarding?: boolean;
    mailFromBehaviorOnMxFailure?: MailFromBehaviorOnMxFailure;
    mailFromDomain?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Omit<EmailIdentityProps, "identity">
  • AppIdentity
    • GuEmailIdentityProps


app: string
configurationSet?: IConfigurationSet

The configuration set to associate with the email identity

- do not use a specific configuration set
dkimIdentity?: DkimIdentity

The type of DKIM identity to use

- Easy DKIM with a key length of 2048-bit
dkimSigning?: boolean

Whether the messages that are sent from the identity are signed using DKIM

domainName: string
feedbackForwarding?: boolean

Whether to receive email notifications when bounce or complaint events occur. These notifications are sent to the address that you specified in the Return-Path header of the original email.

You're required to have a method of tracking bounces and complaints. If you haven't set up another mechanism for receiving bounce or complaint notifications (for example, by setting up an event destination), you receive an email notification when these events occur (even if this setting is disabled).

mailFromBehaviorOnMxFailure?: MailFromBehaviorOnMxFailure

The action to take if the required MX record for the MAIL FROM domain isn't found when you send an email

mailFromDomain?: string

The custom MAIL FROM domain that you want the verified identity to use. The MAIL FROM domain must meet the following criteria:

  • It has to be a subdomain of the verified identity
  • It can't be used to receive email
  • It can't be used in a "From" address if the MAIL FROM domain is a destination for feedback forwarding emails
- use