interface GuDatabaseInstanceProps {
    allocatedStorage?: number;
    allowMajorVersionUpgrade?: boolean;
    app: string;
    autoMinorVersionUpgrade?: boolean;
    availabilityZone?: string;
    caCertificate?: CaCertificate;
    characterSetName?: string;
    cloudwatchLogsExports?: string[];
    cloudwatchLogsRetention?: RetentionDays;
    cloudwatchLogsRetentionRole?: IRole;
    copyTagsToSnapshot?: boolean;
    credentials?: Credentials;
    databaseName?: string;
    deleteAutomatedBackups?: boolean;
    deletionProtection?: boolean;
    devXBackups: OptIn | OptOut;
    domain?: string;
    domainRole?: IRole;
    enablePerformanceInsights?: boolean;
    engine: IInstanceEngine;
    iamAuthentication?: boolean;
    instanceIdentifier?: string;
    instanceType: string;
    iops?: number;
    licenseModel?: LicenseModel;
    maxAllocatedStorage?: number;
    monitoringInterval?: Duration;
    monitoringRole?: IRole;
    multiAz?: boolean;
    networkType?: NetworkType;
    optionGroup?: IOptionGroup;
    parameterGroup?: IParameterGroup;
    parameters?: {
        [key: string]: string;
    performanceInsightEncryptionKey?: IKey;
    performanceInsightRetention?: PerformanceInsightRetention;
    port?: number;
    preferredMaintenanceWindow?: string;
    processorFeatures?: ProcessorFeatures;
    publiclyAccessible?: boolean;
    removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;
    s3ExportBuckets?: IBucket[];
    s3ExportRole?: IRole;
    s3ImportBuckets?: IBucket[];
    s3ImportRole?: IRole;
    securityGroups?: ISecurityGroup[];
    storageEncrypted?: boolean;
    storageEncryptionKey?: IKey;
    storageThroughput?: number;
    storageType?: StorageType;
    subnetGroup?: ISubnetGroup;
    timezone?: string;
    vpc: IVpc;
    vpcSubnets?: SubnetSelection;

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Omit<DatabaseInstanceProps, "instanceType" | "backupRetention" | "preferredBackupWindow">
  • AppIdentity
    • GuDatabaseInstanceProps


allocatedStorage?: number

The allocated storage size, specified in gibibytes (GiB).

allowMajorVersionUpgrade?: boolean

Whether to allow major version upgrades.

app: string
autoMinorVersionUpgrade?: boolean

Indicates that minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window.

availabilityZone?: string

The name of the Availability Zone where the DB instance will be located.

- no preference
caCertificate?: CaCertificate

The identifier of the CA certificate for this DB instance.

Specifying or updating this property triggers a reboot.

For RDS DB engines:

characterSetName?: string

For supported engines, specifies the character set to associate with the DB instance.

- RDS default character set name
cloudwatchLogsExports?: string[]

The list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch Logs.

- no log exports
cloudwatchLogsRetention?: RetentionDays

The number of days log events are kept in CloudWatch Logs. When updating this property, unsetting it doesn't remove the log retention policy. To remove the retention policy, set the value to Infinity.

- logs never expire
cloudwatchLogsRetentionRole?: IRole

The IAM role for the Lambda function associated with the custom resource that sets the retention policy.

- a new role is created.
copyTagsToSnapshot?: boolean

Indicates whether to copy all of the user-defined tags from the DB instance to snapshots of the DB instance.

credentials?: Credentials

Credentials for the administrative user

- A username of 'admin' (or 'postgres' for PostgreSQL) and SecretsManager-generated password
databaseName?: string

The name of the database.

- no name
deleteAutomatedBackups?: boolean

Indicates whether automated backups should be deleted or retained when you delete a DB instance.

deletionProtection?: boolean

Indicates whether the DB instance should have deletion protection enabled.

  • true if removalPolicy is RETAIN, false otherwise
devXBackups: OptIn | OptOut

We recommend using DevX Backups to protect your RDS instance's backups. For more details on this feature, see the documentation.

domain?: string

The Active Directory directory ID to create the DB instance in.

- Do not join domain
domainRole?: IRole

The IAM role to be used when making API calls to the Directory Service. The role needs the AWS-managed policy AmazonRDSDirectoryServiceAccess or equivalent.

  • The role will be created for you if DatabaseInstanceNewProps#domain is specified
enablePerformanceInsights?: boolean

Whether to enable Performance Insights for the DB instance.

  • false, unless performanceInsightRetention or performanceInsightEncryptionKey is set.
engine: IInstanceEngine

The database engine.

iamAuthentication?: boolean

Whether to enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts.

instanceIdentifier?: string

A name for the DB instance. If you specify a name, AWS CloudFormation converts it to lowercase.

- a CloudFormation generated name
instanceType: string
iops?: number

The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the database provisions. The value must be equal to or greater than 1000.

- no provisioned iops if storage type is not specified. For GP3: 3,000 IOPS if allocated
storage is less than 400 GiB for MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, less than 200 GiB for Oracle and
less than 20 GiB for SQL Server. 12,000 IOPS otherwise (except for SQL Server where the default is
always 3,000 IOPS).
licenseModel?: LicenseModel

The license model.

- RDS default license model
maxAllocatedStorage?: number

Upper limit to which RDS can scale the storage in GiB(Gibibyte).

monitoringInterval?: Duration

The interval, in seconds, between points when Amazon RDS collects enhanced monitoring metrics for the DB instance.

- no enhanced monitoring
monitoringRole?: IRole

Role that will be used to manage DB instance monitoring.

- A role is automatically created for you
multiAz?: boolean

Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment.

networkType?: NetworkType

The network type of the DB instance.

- IPV4
optionGroup?: IOptionGroup

The option group to associate with the instance.

- no option group
parameterGroup?: IParameterGroup

The DB parameter group to associate with the instance.

- no parameter group
parameters?: {
    [key: string]: string;

The parameters in the DBParameterGroup to create automatically

You can only specify parameterGroup or parameters but not both. You need to use a versioned engine to auto-generate a DBParameterGroup.

- None
performanceInsightEncryptionKey?: IKey

The AWS KMS key for encryption of Performance Insights data.

- default master key
performanceInsightRetention?: PerformanceInsightRetention

The amount of time, in days, to retain Performance Insights data.

7 this is the free tier
port?: number

The port for the instance.

- the default port for the chosen engine.
preferredMaintenanceWindow?: string

The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur.

Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi Constraint: Minimum 30-minute window

- a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of
time for each AWS Region, occurring on a random day of the week. To see
the time blocks available, see
processorFeatures?: ProcessorFeatures

The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core.

- the default number of CPU cores and threads per core for the
chosen instance class.

publiclyAccessible?: boolean

Indicates whether the DB instance is an internet-facing instance. If not specified, the instance's vpcSubnets will be used to determine if the instance is internet-facing or not.

  • true if the instance's vpcSubnets is subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC, false otherwise
removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy

The CloudFormation policy to apply when the instance is removed from the stack or replaced during an update.

- RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT (remove the resource, but retain a snapshot of the data)
s3ExportBuckets?: IBucket[]

S3 buckets that you want to load data into.

This property must not be used if s3ExportRole is used.

For Microsoft SQL Server:

s3ExportRole?: IRole

Role that will be associated with this DB instance to enable S3 export.

This property must not be used if s3ExportBuckets is used.

For Microsoft SQL Server:

s3ImportBuckets?: IBucket[]

S3 buckets that you want to load data from. This feature is only supported by the Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL engines.

This property must not be used if s3ImportRole is used.

For Microsoft SQL Server:

s3ImportRole?: IRole

Role that will be associated with this DB instance to enable S3 import. This feature is only supported by the Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL engines.

This property must not be used if s3ImportBuckets is used.

For Microsoft SQL Server:

securityGroups?: ISecurityGroup[]

The security groups to assign to the DB instance.

- a new security group is created
storageEncrypted?: boolean

Indicates whether the DB instance is encrypted.

- true if storageEncryptionKey has been provided, false otherwise
storageEncryptionKey?: IKey

The KMS key that's used to encrypt the DB instance.

- default master key if storageEncrypted is true, no key otherwise
storageThroughput?: number

The storage throughput, specified in mebibytes per second (MiBps).

Only applicable for GP3.

- 125 MiBps if allocated storage is less than 400 GiB for MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL,
less than 200 GiB for Oracle and less than 20 GiB for SQL Server. 500 MiBps otherwise (except for
SQL Server where the default is always 125 MiBps).
storageType?: StorageType

The storage type. Storage types supported are gp2, io1, standard.

subnetGroup?: ISubnetGroup

Existing subnet group for the instance.

- a new subnet group will be created.
timezone?: string

The time zone of the instance. This is currently supported only by Microsoft Sql Server.

- RDS default timezone
vpc: IVpc

The VPC network where the DB subnet group should be created.

vpcSubnets?: SubnetSelection

The type of subnets to add to the created DB subnet group.

- private subnets