Package-level declarations


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@Preview(name = "Day mode", device = "id:pixel_7", uiMode = 16, backgroundColor = 4294967295, showBackground = true)
@Preview(name = "Night mode", device = "id:pixel_7", uiMode = 32, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true)
@Preview(name = "Samsung S20 (narrow device)", device = "spec:width=945px,height=2400px", uiMode = 16, backgroundColor = 4294967295, showBackground = true)
@Preview(name = "Scaled font", device = "id:pixel_7", uiMode = 16, backgroundColor = 4294967295, showBackground = true, fontScale = 1.5)
annotation class PreviewPhoneBothMode

Creates two previews on a Pixel 7 device for light and dark mode.

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@Preview(name = "Day mode", device = "spec:parent=pixel_tablet,orientation=portrait", uiMode = 16, backgroundColor = 4294967295, showBackground = true)
@Preview(name = "Night mode", device = "spec:parent=pixel_tablet,orientation=portrait", uiMode = 32, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true)
@Preview(name = "Scaled font", device = "spec:parent=pixel_tablet,orientation=portrait", uiMode = 16, backgroundColor = 4294967295, showBackground = true, fontScale = 1.5)
annotation class PreviewTabletBothMode

Creates two previews on a Pixel tablet device for light and dark mode.


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fun PaddingValues.copy(top: Dp = calculateTopPadding(), start: Dp = calculateStartPadding(LayoutDirection.Ltr), end: Dp = calculateEndPadding(LayoutDirection.Ltr), bottom: Dp = calculateBottomPadding()): PaddingValues

Updates the given PaddingValues with the given Dp values and returns updated PaddingValues.

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Converts this Float value from Density-independent Pixels (dp) to Pixels (px).

Converts this Int value from Density-independent Pixels (dp) to Pixels (px).

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Whether the current device is a tablet. Equivalent to sw600dp qualifier in Android.

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infix operator fun PaddingValues): PaddingValues

Adds together the values of the given PaddingValues and returns updated PaddingValues.

operator fun TextUnit): TextUnit

Returns the sum of this and the other TextUnit value.

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Converts this Float value from Pixels (px) to Density-independent Pixels (dp).

Converts this Int value from Pixels (px) to Density-independent Pixels (dp).

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Converts this Float value from Pixels (px) to Scale-independent Pixels (sp).

Converts this Int value from Pixels (px) to Scale-independent Pixels (sp).

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Converts this TextUnit value to Density-independent Pixels (dp).

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Converts this Dp value to Pixels (px).

Converts this TextUnit value to Pixels (px).

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Converts this Dp value to Scale-independent Pixels (sp).