Add the dependency to build.gradle.kts
for the consuming module.
In build.gradle.kts
In version catalog:
source = "<version>"
source = { module = "", version.ref = "source" }
[!note] See here if you need to build and bundle the library as a local repository.
The library provides design presets and components.
The design presets are available name spaced under the
object, e.g. Source.Typography.HeadlineBold15
Full API documentation is available here.
Typography presets include fontFamily
, fontSize
, lineHeight
, fontWeight
, fontStyle
in a single token. All typography tokens with their previews are listed here
The library bundles app font files, so they are not separately required in consumer apps.
Use typography presets directly in a Text
text = "The world's leading liberal voice",
// Using Source typography preset
style = Source.Typography.TextEgyptianItalic14,
Core palette colours are available for direct use in components through Source.Palette
. Preview all available colours here.
text = "The world's leading liberal voice",
// Using Source palette colours
color = Source.Palette.Brand400,
Icons are available as ImageVector
objects under the Source.Icons.Base
namespace. The library provides a set of icons that can be used directly in components.
See here for all available icons.
imageVector = Source.Icons.Base.Checkmark,
contentDescription = null,
Four core button components are available - SourceButton
, SourceIconButton
, PlainSourceButton
and SourceBaseIconButton
See here for full details of the button components.
Core theme | Reader revenue theme |
Chip components are typically used for filter, tags, or actions in a concise format.
See here for full details of the chip components.
Three pager progress components are available:
- a set of indicators to signify progress as a user
progresses through the items in the pagerPagerProgressButtons
- buttons to allow user to go to next/previous page
in a pagerPagerProgressBar
- a higher level component that combines the above two
and has different phone and tablet behaviour.See here for more details on pager progress components.
The AlertBanner
component is used to display alerts at the top of the screen. It supports three
alert priorites - Neutral
, Info
and Error
. The three alert priorities have different display
styles corresponding to Source specifications.
text = "This is an alert banner",
priority = AlertBanner.Priority.Info,
onMessageClick = { /* Handle action */ },
onDismiss = { /* Handle dismiss */ },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
./gradlew :source:publishReleasePublicationToGusourceRepository
This will produce the library output at /source/build/gusource/
Copy the built library to the news app
Copy the library the built folder from /source/build/gusource/
to the android-news-app/src/main/libs/maven
folder in the android-news-app
./gradlew :source:publishToMavenLocal
This will publish the library to your local maven repository.
Update the version number in the news app If the library version has changed, update it in the version catalog for the news app.
declared first in your repositories
repositories {
package name and group id so we can use the Guardian’s Sonatype infra for signing and publishing the library. See this comment for reference.